Miranda's Costume

Structure of Dress

Miranda's Dress

Miranda’s dress is fashioned out of sailcloth and her bodice is made up of the leather binding of the book, just as Prospero wears the pages. She is the more delicate counterpart to her father, who holds the most power and control over magic on the island. Therefore, her costume includes bits and pieces of her father’s to reflect this dynamic between them.

Miranda's Shoes

Miranda's Shoes

Miranda’s shoes stand in stark contrast to the rest of her costume, as they are beautifully patterned and brightly colored, while the bottom of her outfit to look like tattered sailcloth. The bright purple color of Miranda’s shoes are meant to represent her father’s magic, which further comments on the dynamic between these two characters.



Lynda Cameron-Bayer was inspired by fairytales and the themes of magic and whimsy. Miranda’s dress reflects these themes in it’s classic fairytale look, however it does have a more natural, organic feel due to the material used. This allows Miranda to fit in with the islanders, yet little elements like her shoes subtly shows the magic she possesses.